Beyond Maintenance 5 2019 - Enhancing Plant Reliability
Maintenance has been around as long as humans existed. From routine activity like sharpening of hunting tools until modern maintenance as we know today.
Today, the business world is very challenging and competitive. The difference between success and failure can be decided by the performance of your machines and facilities. Poor maintenance will cost organizations a lot of money for repairs, high downtime and low production rate, eventually.
Maintenance has been around as long as humans existed. From routine activity like sharpening of hunting tools until modern maintenance as we know today. Like many other things, maintenance too has undergone evolution as time passed. Traditional approach which is reactive maintenance has been replaced by preventive and proactive maintenance.
A lot of factors contributed to successful maintenance. In this 2-day conference, our participants were guided through maintenance essentials such as maintenance management strategies and leadership, application of latest technology in maintenance, maintenance of electrical equipment in plant and world class reliability among others. Other than that, maintenance management such as PDM, TPM & RCM were presented from industry practitioners’ point-of-view.
This conference was specially designed to address the areas that were pivotal to industries and organizations in order to implement proper maintenance plans, thus creating reliable plants.