Course Introduction
Rotary Air Compressors; Focus mainly on Twin Screw Type Oil Flooded air compressors. Type and Principles of operation, Type of Screw Profile, dismantle and assembly. Typical of Air End Failure. This training and course is about Theory & Practical operation and Overhaul of the main unit, the pump. You will be able to detect the most likely cause of failure and why it need to be overhaul regularly (Bearings Replacement and its’ limitation).
Course Objectives
You will learn the purpose, principles & operation and maintenance of compressed air equipment.
On completion of the course; you will not be vulnerable to supplier-driven monopolies. Observable and measurable expected outcomes of the course upon completion.
You will be able to increase the operating life span of the equipment with regular bearings change locally, of course with repetition (need to do it regularly to be skilled).
Course Outline
Day 1
Application & Purpose of Compression
History of Rotary Compressors, Principle, operations
Type and Classification of Compressors
Why Rotary Screw Air Compressors, Air End Operation.
Operation, Limitations, Operations, Maintenance and troubleshooting
Energy Saving & Efficiency
Day 2
(Include Half-Day Workshop Session)
Electric, motor and drives system.
Operation, limitations, Operation, maintenance and Troubleshooting (Energy Saving & Efficiency)
Drive Coupling System, Components, Maintenance & Troubleshooting. (Energy Saving & Efficiency on drive system)
Oil Cooling system (Lubrication ETC.) components, maintenance & Troubleshooting.
Oil separation system, components, maintenance, operation & troubleshooting. (Energy Saving & Efficiency)
Pressure Control and safety components, maintenance, operation & troubleshooting.
Preventive Maintenance of Rotary Oil Flooded Twin Screw Air Compressors.
Question & Answer Session
Who Should Attend
Mainly those involves in Production and Maintenance department personnel; Fitters, Mechanic, electricians, charge man, Technicians, Technical Assistant, Engineers, Managers, anyone who are interested and have direct or indirectly involved in the production of Compressed Cleaned Air (CDA).
Maintenance, Purchasing & Production Department.

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