Course Objectives :
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
Understand what are electrical hazards, how to recognise electrical hazards and the corrective actions to be taken to eliminate hazards to ensure a safe working environment for all.
Understand Electrical terms used in relation to Electrical safety, safety such as (direct short, earth fault, short circuit etc.)
Understand the rules and regulations pertaining to electrical safety such AKTA BEKALAN ELETRIK 1990, Peraturan-Peraturan Elektrik 1994 and MS IEC 60364 Pepasangan Elektrik Pada Bangunan.
Understand what causes Electrical shock and methods of prevention
Understand the importance of electrical protection
Recognize types of protective devices used from fuses to circuit breakers for low, medium voltages and methods of selection
Understand electrical earthing, types of earthing and its importance and methods of checking
Understand the importance of lightning protection
Understand the important electrical check points to be carried out regularly to minimize electrical accidents in a working place
Target Audience :
Suitable for electricians, mechanical technicians, electrical technicians, electronic technicians
(particularly working in electronic companies) wiremen, control and instrumentation technicians, heavy equipment operators (overhead cranes, and tower cranes), construction workers who are working on industrial sites, mechanical engineers, process engineers of different discipline such as chemical engineers, petroleum engineers who wish to UPGRADE THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN ELECTRICAL SAFETY.
Course Outline
Electrical terms used in relation to Electrical safety
Electrical hazards and risk, ways to minimize
Safety Procedures while working with electricity
AKTA Bekalan Elektrik 1990, Peraturan-peraturan Elektrik 1994 & MS IEC Regulations laws and regulations pertaining to electricity
Competent control
Electrical Protection
Lightning Protection

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